Wayne and Christina

Addenda and Corrigenda to
The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide
Revised and Enlarged Edition (2017)

by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond

The second edition of The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide retained the Chronology as a single volume (Vol. I), and expanded the Reader’s Guide from one to two volumes (Vols. II, III). In order to balance the resulting three volumes in length as much as possible, we relocated the appended matter originally in the Chronology (family trees, bibliographies of Tolkien’s works) to the second volume of the Reader’s Guide, and included our bibliography of works consulted only in the Reader’s Guide. Because our publisher wished to sell the three volumes separately as well as in a boxed set, we included the foreword and index in both the Chronology and the Reader’s Guide (the first or second volume as appropriate).

Here we collect addenda and corrigenda to our preface and index, which are shared between the two parts of the Companion and Guide, and acknowledgements beyond those in the published preface. Elsewhere on this site may be read addenda and corrigenda to the chronology, addenda and corrigenda to the reader’s guide, a list of topics in the Reader’s Guide, and a supplemental bibliography for the new edition.


In addition to those whom we acknowledge in our revised preface, we would like to thank for their comments and suggestions ‘bilbobaggins’, Stefan Borgschulze, Giovanni Carmine Costabile, Janet Brennan Croft, Jeremy Edmonds, Charles Evans, Timothy Fisher, Michael Flowers, John Garth, Eduardo B. Kumamoto, Phil Mathison, Mauro, Fiona Mercey, ‘naturesfocus’, Steve Parsons, Constantin Sergeyevich, Nicholas Watkinson, and Xu Zhan.

Addenda and Corrigenda Common to
the Chronology and Reader's Guide

Preface, p. xv: Add to the list of books for which we abbreviate titles for convenience: Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth by Catherine McIlwaine, et al. (2018), as Maker of Middle-earth.

Preface, p. xxiv, col. 1 at bottom: Insert line break between ‘“The Koivienéni Manuscript”’ and ‘Lancashire Fusiliers’.

Index, entries for Martin D’Arcy, S.R.T.O. d’Ardenne, Madame d’Aulnoy, and A.P. d’Entrèves should have been placed alphabetically among the ‘D’ entries; in each name the apostrophe is ignored.

Index, entry for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (poem), l. 2: Delete ‘156’.

Index, entry for Battle of Maldon, The: Delete ‘154’.

Index, entry for Cromer: For ‘102’ read ‘103’.

Index, entry for Dawkins, R.M.: Delete Chronology citation to p. 152.

Index, entry for Errantry: Delete ‘156, 157’. For ‘167’ read ‘166–7’.

Index, entry for Exeter College, Oxford: For ‘“Smoker” g 911’ read ‘ “Smoker” g 912’.

Index, entry for Finland: Replace with: ‘Finland c 344, 857, g 27, 588–9, 617, 1339, 1428; see also Finnish language; Kalevala’.

Index, entry for From Iffley: Add reference to c 71.

Index, entry for Gnomish: For ‘c 67, 100, 105, 100, 112, 115, 124’ read ‘c 67, 105, 108, 112, 115, 124’.

Index, entries for Guðrúnarkviða en forna and Guðrúnarkviða en nýja: Move to follow entry for Gustafsson, Lars (the eth character stands for th).

Index, entry for Haggard, H. Rider, King Solomon’s Mines: Add reference to c 557 (for the film version).

Index, entry for Hogan, J.J. (Jeremiah): For ‘459’ read ‘458–9’.

Index, entry for The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son, l. 2: Delete ‘157’.

Index, entry for Horses: Add ‘see also King Edward’s Horse’.

Index, entry for Inklings (C.S. Lewis): Replace citations with: ‘c 118, 182, 217, 231, 246–60 passim, 265, 267, 276, 277, 285–97 passim, 302, 312, 314, 315, 318, 322, 323–4, 329, 331, 333, 334, 339, 343–52 passim, 358, 363, 460, 571, 644, 741, 742, 839, 840, 841, 842, 847, 850, 851, 853, g 97, 100, 120, 161, 165, 166, 207, 208, 214, 247, 266–7, 281, 290, 318, 321, 327, 357, 362, 363, 369, 396, 446, 447, 448, 471, 481, 482, 487, 569–76, 587–8, 683, 689, 691, 696, 748, 755, 756, 779, 870, 872–3, 873–4, 900, 920–1, 923, 924, 925, 926, 931, 1059, 1070, 1129, 1233–4, 1261, 1302, 1338, 1391–2, 1417, 1418–19, 1420, 1429, 1432, 1444; name g 569–70’.

Index, add cross-reference: ‘Ishnesses see Book of Ishness, The’.

Index, entry for King Edward’s School, Birmingham: For ‘Officers Training Corps’ read ‘Officers’ Training Corps’.

Index, entry for Lewis, C.S., l. 2: For (c) ‘206’ read ‘207’.

Index, entry for Linguaphone: For ‘c 153, 163’ read ‘c 163’.

Index, entry for Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, The Song of Hiawatha: Add references to g 209, 1055.

Index, entry for Loom of Language: For ‘Loom of Language’ read ‘Loom of Language, The’.

Index, entry for The Lord of the Rings: In subsection ‘titles’ add citation to c 235.

Index, entry for Lovelace Society: For ‘Lovelace Society’ read ‘Lovelace Club’.

Index, entry for Mackarness, Mr: ‘Mr Mackarness’ was more fully G.C.N. Mackarness.

Index, entry for Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature: For ‘c 143’ read ‘c 142’.

Index, entry for Merton Professorship of English Literature: Delete Chronology citation to p. 142.

Index, entry for Mroczkowski, Przemysław: For ‘Przemysł’ read ‘Przemysław’.

Index, entry for Music of the Ainur, The: For ‘tales’ read ‘Tales’.

Index, entry for Nobel Prize: For ‘596’ read ‘443, 596’.

Index, entry for Nordal, Sigurður: For ‘g 623’ read ‘c 180, g 623’.

Index, entry for Norfolk: For ‘Norfolk c 56’ read ‘Norfolk see Cromer’. (As revised in Addenda and Corrigenda, a cross-reference to Norwich would also appear in this entry.)

Index, entry for Officers Training Corps, Oxford: For ‘Officers’ read ‘Officer’.

Index, entry for Ormulum: For ‘g 968’ read ‘g 204, 968’.

Index, entry for Oxford and environs, l. 7: Add reference (before ‘59 St John Street’): 39 St John Street c 114.

Index, entry for Oxford and environs, sub-entry for ‘Franciscan friary’: Revise, and relocate within this entry, as ‘Greyfriars (Franciscan friary) c 170–1, 198’.

Index, entry for The Owl and the Nightingale: Omit the redundant second instance of the words ‘Modern English translation’.

Index, entry for Progress in Bimble Town: For ‘g 35’ read ‘g 351’.

Index, entry for Quenta Noldorinwa: For ‘c 151, 156, 161–2, 166, 845’ read ‘c 161–2, 166, 845’.

Index, entry for St Andrews from Kinkell Brake: For ‘Brake’ read ‘Brae’.

Index, entry for Scott, Walter: For ‘537’ read ‘536’.

Index, entry for A Secret Vice: For ‘c 72, 154’ read ‘c 79, 155’.

Index, entry for Selby, G.E.: For ‘294’ read ‘295’.

Index, add entry: ‘Sheil, Denis  g 297’.

Index, entry for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: In the list of Chronology references, add ‘838’.

Index, entry for Sketch of the Mythology, delete c 151

Index, entry for Somerset, add cross-reference: ‘See also Cheddar Gorge and Caves, Clevedon, Quantock Hills, Taunton, Weston-super-Mare’.

Index, entry for ‘The Tale of Eärendel’: For ‘Eäarendel’ read ‘Eärendel’.

Index, entry for Tolkien, Faith: Add ‘743’ at end of Chronology citations.

Index, entry for The Wanderer: Delete ‘154’; add ‘234’

Index, entry for Wardale, Edith: Change heading to Wardale, E.E. (Edith); delete citation to c 14; add citation to c 147.

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